
Minggu, 11 Desember 2011

‎.... SELAMAT....♫♩.♪..♪♪.♫.♫
♪♬ ♬♪♫♫ ..............MALAM..........♪♬ ♬♪♫♫
♪♩♫♬♬ ♫♬♫♪♪............KAWAN........♪♩♫♬♬ ♫♬♫♪♪
♫..♫.kunjungi.♫.♫ rumahku ya.°*°*˚°.°*.°*°

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from my fb :D

║║██░░░░░Battery Low ░░░░░─║║║
... ║╚════════════════════╝╔╝

▂ ▄ ▅ ▇ █ Charge your Emaan █ ▇ ▆ ▄ ▂

لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله
║║████░░░Battery Low ░░░░░─║║║

سبحان الله

║║███████Battery Low ░░░░░─║║║

الحمد لله

║║█████████tery Low ░░░░░─║║║

الله أكبر

║║███████████y Low ░░░░░─║║║

ما شاء الله

║║██████████████ ░░░░░░─║║║

اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَى مُحَمَّدٍ وَعَلَى آلِ مُحَمَّدٍ كَمَا صَلَّيْتَ عَلَى إِبْرَاهِيمَ وَعَلَى آلِ إِبْرَاهِيمَ إِنَّكَ حَمِيدٌ مَجِيدٌ اللَّهُمَّ بَارِكْ عَلَى مُحَمَّدٍ وَعَلَى آلِ مُحَمَّدٍ كَمَا بَارَكْتَ عَلَى إِبْرَاهِيمَ وَعَلَى آلِ إِبْرَاهِيمَ إِنَّكَ حَمِيدٌ مَجِيدٌ


أَسْتَغْفِرُ اللَّهَ الَّذِي لا إِلَهَ إِلا هُوَ الْحَيُّ الْقَيُّومُ وَأَتُوبُ إِلَيْهِ

║║███████ Battery Full ██████─║║║

Ya Allah!!! forgive me and all Muslims.


Udah pakai template gratisan, tapi masih kurang puas, dan pengen di utak atik, eh ternyata pakai CSS.
Pernah ngalamin seperti itu?

Ga usah bingung, ga usah takut hehe… belajar CSS ga susah kok…

Web ini di buat dengan tujuan memberikan pelajaran lengkap dan gratis tentang CSS. Jangan salah sangka yah, aku juga bukan jagoan CSS loh, tapi aku sampai sekarang masih terus belajar soal CSS.

Setelah beberapa tahun bergelut di dunia maya, ternyata mempelajari CSS itu sangat bermanfaat.
Jika anda belum paham mengenai tag-tag HTML, ada baiknya anda belajar dulu soal HTML sebelum mulai belajar CSS.

Silahkan googling untuk belajar HTML, atau kalau mau bisa beli panduan HTML beserta latihan yang aku tulis. Klik di sini yaa..

Beberapa kata di tutorial ini masih menggunakan bahasa inggris, kadang karena aku ga tau bahasa Indonesianya apa (:D) tapi maksudnya juga supaya ga bingung jika suatu ketika membaca referensi dari web lain yang berbahasa inggris.


Style Sheet adalah template yang mengontrol pemformatan tag HTML pada halaman web anda. Bila anda telah terbiasa menggunakan Microsoft Word, anda dapat melihat bahwa konsep Style Sheet mirip dengan template pada Microsoft Word: anda dapat megubah penampilan pada dokumen Word dengan mengubah format pada style dokumen. Begitu pula anda dapat mengubah penampilan halaman web dengan mengubah format pada tag HTML tertentu melalui Style Sheet, untuk selanjutnya menggantikan spesifikasi default dari browser untuk tag-tag tersebut.

Anda dapat mengambil keuntungan dengan menggunakan Style Sheet ini dengan tiga alasan utama: pemformatan tambahan, kontrol yang lebih baik, dan perubahan yang lebih mudah.

3 Cara Untuk Menambahkan Style Pada Web

Style Sheet dapat digunakan dengan 3 cara, sesuai dengan kebutuhan anda:
• Dengan membuat link ke file Style Sheet dari file HTML. Metode seperti ini memungkinkan anda mengubah style sejumlah halaman web dengan hanya mengedit satu file Style Sheet.

• Dengan menyisipkan Style Sheet pada file HTML. Metode seperti ini memungkinkan anda mengubah style suatu halaman web dengan hanya mengedit beberapa baris Style Sheet.

• Dengan menyisipkan secara inline pada tag dalam file HTML. Hal ini memberi cara tercepat untuk mengubah suatu tag, sejumlah tag, atau satu blok informasi pada halaman web.
Anda dapat menggunakan satu, dua, atau ketiga cara tersebut pada halaman web.

Sintax Dasar

Baik Style Sheet yang dilink maupun yang disisipkan memiliki satu atau lebih definisi style. (Sintax inline kadang berbeda).

Suatu definisi style terdiri dari suatu tag HTML (tag apapun), diikuti oleh sejumlah properti untuk tag tersebut yang terletak diantara tanda kurung kurawal. Tiap properti diidentifikasi oleh nama properti, diikuti oleh titik dua dan nilai properti.

Properti ganda dipisahkan oleh titik koma. Sebagi contoh, definisi style berikut memberi tag <H1> ukuran font yang spesifik (15 point), dan ketebalan huruf (boldface):
H1 {font-size: 15pt; font-weight: bold}

Anda kemudian dapat membuat definisi style untuk sejumlah tag HTML dan menempatkannya pada file terpisah atau sisipkan langsung pada halaman web.

Membuat Link ke Style Sheet

Untuk membuat link ke Style Sheet eksternal, anda dapat dengan mudah membuat sebuah file berisi definisi style kemudian simpan (save) dengan ekstensi .

CSS, kemudian buat link ke file tersebut dari halaman web. Dengan cara ini, anda dapat memanfaatkan Style Sheet yang sama untuk beberapa halaman dalam site anda.

Sebagai contoh, bila Style Sheet anda dinamai style-saya.css dan terletak di alamat http://alamat-internet/style-saya.css, diantara tag <HEAD> anda harus menambahkan:

<TITLE>Judul artikel</TITLE>

Menyisipkan blok STYLE

Untuk menyisipkan (embed) Style Sheet, tambahkan blok <STYLE> </STYLE> di awal dokumen, di antara tag-tag <HTML> dan <BODY>.

Hal ini memungkinkan anda unutk mengubah penampilan satu halaman web. Tag <STYLE> memilki satu parameter yaitu TYPE, yang menspesifikasi type media internet sebagai “text/css” (memungkinkan browser yang tidak mendukung type ini untuk mengabaikan Style Sheet).

Tag <STYLE> diikuti oleh sejumlah definisi style dan berakhir dengan tag </STYLE>.

<STYLE TYPE="text/css">
BODY {font: 10pt "Arial"}
H1 {font: 15pt/17pt "Arial";
font-weight: bold;
color: maroon}
H2 {font: 13pt/15pt "Arial";
font-weight: bold;
color: blue}
P {font: 10pt/12pt "Arial";
color: black}

Semoga berguna yaa…

source: ariefokebanget.co.cc

tambahan article english:

CSS, Cascading Style Sheets, are an important component of web design. It has many uses and can help you customize your online presence, including blogs and online documents. Sites can run and look better when CSS is used. So it is no surprise that there are many people eager to learn CSS, and many available learning resources. While CSS can be learned in formal classes at a local school, many prefer to learn on their own. Learning CSS online can be done at any time or place, so it is easier to fit into a busy schedule.

In a review of CSS learning resources’, here are the top 5 places to learn CSS, based on users’ comments and recommendations.

W3 Schools
W3 Schools was mentioned several times as a great place to learn CSS. People like that they have tutorials and quizzes to test your knowledge. Users cited their vast library of information and their references and examples. And because it is maintained by W3C, which is the group that is responsible for today’s web standards, it has current, up to date information.

Another site mentioned as a top place for learning CSS is HTML Dog. This site has designated its training by skill level, Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced. This makes it a good learning resource for the novice as well as those with some CSS experience. Users also noted HTML Dog’s easy to follow tutorials, important when learning and developing a new skill.

Site Point
Site Point is recommended as a perfect place for the beginner. They teach CSS starting from the beginning, and move through the steps teaching how to create clean and functional CSS. Many suggest starting at this site to learn CSS.

Tizag is another site recommended for beginner users of CSS. It is noted for having tutorials that are real life, and a presentation that is relaxed and comfortable. Users stated that the friendly and relaxed tone made it easer to learn the skill.

Tag By Tag
Users liked Tag By Tag because it is a place to get answers to specific CSS questions. Students can select the area of CSS that they need help in and are taken to a guide sheet that can help fix problems. This site is very handy if users have forgotten elements like attributes or style.

In addition to these five sites there are others that are full of CSS learning resources, such as CSS Help Pile, which includes articles on all kinds of CSS tips and tricks. There are also some very nice informative books, such as CSS: The Missing Manual by David Sawyer McFarland, which covers the basics of CSS, and also complex CSS layouts.

And almost everyone suggested that the best place to learn CSS is on your own computer, learning new skills and developing the ones you already have. Like any other ability, regular and diligent practice is one of the best ways to learn and master CSS.

Jumat, 18 November 2011

The United Colors of Benetton

Even if you don't know much about the Benetton brand of clothing, you've likely seen their advertisements. Benetton ads have caused a stir across the globe, earning acclaim and awards, as well as contempt and censorship for their controversial subject matter. Before becoming an international sensation however, the Benetton brand had humble beginnings in Ponzano Veneto, Italy, where it started out as a small family business.
fashion italy kids
Benetton Fashion for Kids, Italy
Luciano Benetton was born in 1935, and his sister Giuliana in 1937. There were two more brothers born into the Benetton family, Gilberto in 1941, and Carlo in 1943. When Luciano was only ten years old, his father passed away leaving the siblings to find work to take care of their family.
While Luciano took a job with a fabric manufacturer and held another job delivering newspapers, Giuliana stayed at home and knit sweaters and other garments. These knit pieces were so beautifully created that Luciano and Giuliana decided to sell them through a small home-based business, Luciano actually vending them on bicycle.
Benetton family
The Benetton Family
Giuliana was obviously in charge of design and production, while Luciano took on the marketing and sales. He spent some time in England studying different techniques of dying wool, including the concept of making each piece in an off-white wool and then dyeing it at the last minute in order to keep up with fashion trends.
By 1969, the Benettons were very successful with their business, choosing to cater to a short list of regular clients. They went ahead and opened their first shop in Belluno, and soon after opened a second store in Paris.
Brothers Gilberto and Carlo also joined the business, serving as accounts manager and head of production respectively, while Luciano continued to market the brand and Giuliana came up with new designs. The public responded very positively to the Benetton garments.
benetton italy style
Benetton Formal Style for Italian Men
Still manufacturing knitwear, Benetton took strides ahead of their competitors by offering fresh new colors that were bolder than the more common neutrals of the time. The company continued to expand, opening more stores and creating up to 50 new colors per season. They soon expanded from knitwear into cotton and denim clothing, making them a leader in both women and men's casual wear. Their technique of dying their items at the last possible moment to stay ahead of fashion trends kept them one step ahead of their competitors.
In the 1970's, Benetton signed with a publicity agency based in Paris. Their name was becoming bigger as they targeted the youth market, keeping their prices reasonable and their quality impeccable. In 1978 they sponsored the Trevisse rugby team, starting their long time relationship with sporting teams and events, which would later include basketball, volleyball, and Formula 1 racing.
fashion rugby italy
Benetton Rugby Styling for Men, Italy
In 1984, Benetton hired photographer Oliviero Toscani as their creative marketing director, and gave him carte blanche with their campaigns. Toscani designed a photo shoot that included models of many different racial backgrounds, and called it "All the Colors of the World". When a visiting United Nations official stopped by and exclaimed, "This is fantastic! It's the United Colors in here!" the United Colors of Benetton slogan was born.
Toscani's advertisements featured bi-racial couples, children wearing US and USSR flags and kissing each other, and all combinations of ethnicity and race mingling, underscoring the "United Colors" theme. Not only were their garments available in many different colors, but also the people who wore them.
By the mid-80's, things couldn't be better for the Benetton label. They started an offshoot company called Tip-Top Shoes, and had nine factories in Italy, Scotland, and France. Their international headquarters was set up in Luxembourg, and they had expanded their line once again to include children's wear. The classic Benetton rugby shirt was wildly popular across North America; a simple garment with bold wide stripes and white collar, that came is a variety of bright colors and proudly displayed the Benetton logo.
A perfume for women soon followed, called "Colors". Colors for men emerged, as well as a magazine of the same name. The brand was picking up steam across the world, and their advertising campaigns continued to spark controversy and earn praise. Benetton and Toscani won awards at the Cannes Film Festival, and several Grand Prix awards for best poster, among many others.
benetton italy fashion
Dainty Fashion by Benetton, Italy
Across the span of his 17-year employment with Benetton, Toscani used such controversial subjects as AIDS victims, birds covered in oil as a result of a spill, a newborn baby still covered in blood from birth, and boats overflowing with refugees. Although the ads never featured any of the label's clothing, they brought the Benetton name front and center as a source of debate and inspiration.
Benetton ad
Benetton ad campaign
By the end of the 1990's, Benetton was beginning to struggle. Stores were closing and sales were down. They struck a deal with North American department store Sears to open niche shops within the Sears stores. Just months before the deal was to be finalized, Toscani came out with his most controversial advertising campaign yet.
italy fashion kids benetton
Italian Kids Fashion, Benetton
The ads featured death row inmates, and were meant to show the company's anti-death penalty stance. Victims' rights groups immediately shunned the ads, claiming that they were glamorizing the killers and showing no respect for the victims or their families. Amid the controversy, Sears backed out of their deal with Benetton.
Benetton finally let Toscani go shortly after this campaign, and reverted back to advertisements that featured their clothing. They issued a formal apology for offending anyone with the death row ads, and Sears reconsidered their deal. The family moved on to other businesses, still keeping their original fashion business, but not working with it hands-on.
These days Benetton is still prevalent in the fashion industry, with their clothing still being sold in numerous markets worldwide. They have suffered along with countless other manufacturers as buying trends have subsided. Benetton has sold some of its brands, including their Formula 1 racing team.
benetton italy colors fashion
Colorful Styling by Benetton, Italy
The brand remains family owned, and its chief designer Giuliana Benetton has appeared several times on the Forbes’ list of the world’s most powerful women. The brand is now worth approximately $3 billion and sells its various lines like the fashion stapleUnited Colors of Benetton, the Sisley for the youth, and sportswear names Playlife and Killer Loop from more than 5,000 stores in over 120 countries.
No matter what happens in the future, Benetton has cemented itself as a leader in the design of casual fashion, brilliant marketing, and high quality garments. The Benetton empire still stands today as a creative leader in the clothing industry, and many consumers and members of the media are anxiously awaiting what will come next from this impressive company.
By Carrie Grosvenor
Edited and updated by VianCC, December 2010
source: http://www.lifeinitaly.com

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The Harry Potter Ad Benetton Didn’t Want You To See

Italian clothing company Benetton just unveiled a provocative new ad campaign showcasing Photoshopped pictures of opposing world leaders kissing one another. The campaign has already generated predictable controversy; Benetton was already forced to scrap the ad featuring Pope Benedict’s likeness, but that’s still nowhere near as controversial as the following ad.
Behold, Benetton’s never-before-seen Harry Potter ad:
Wow! Provocative! I mean, showing the Pope making out with an Egyptian imam is one thing, butthis ad? Not sure the internet can handle it.
If you’re thinking to yourself, “The Photoshopping on this one is way worse than the others, almost like Dan just did it himself,” that’s amazing cause I noticed that too! Provocative.


Kampung Jowo Sekatul Limbangan Kendal

Kampung Jowo Sekatul Limbangan Merupakan tempat wisata alam yang cukup lengkap dengan berbagai arena permainan ketangkasan, seperti Flying Fox, Outbond, Kampung Wisata dan lain-lain. Pengunjung juga disediakan penginapan yang cukup nyaman sambil menikmati udara yang cukup sejuk. Terletak di Desa Margosari wilayah Kecamatan Limbangan atau sekitar 38 ke arah selatan dari kota Kendal, melewati kecamatan Kaliwungu dan Boja. Dari arah Semarang lewat Ngaliyan ke arah Boja Limbangan.

Selain sebagai tempat rekreasi permainan, restoran, wisata alam juga sebagai tempat olah roso, nglaras dan roso yang menep, penyatuan agar dekat dengan alam.Dari interaksi tersebut smoga membuka nurani kita dan menemukan jadidiri/identitas diri menuju jalan selamat. " Memayu Hayuning Bawono". Juga menambah wawasan tentang jenis-jenis rumah Jawa, Katuranggan hewan, Pethungan Dina dan lain-lain.Rumah dibuat apa adanya, asli dengan tetap bersejarah masih lebih baik, daripada indah tapi kehilangan keasliannya.
Dari interaksi tersebut juga dapat mengakrabkan hubungan keluarga yang kurang harmonis antara orang tua dan anak, silaturahmi, kegiatan merukunkan tetangga ( arisan ), pertemuan-pertemuan, seminar, rapat, reuni, ulang tahun, pesta nikah, dan lain-lain.Rapat, seminar, diskusi ikmiah memberi suasana yang nyaman dan santai, ini akan membangkitkan ide-ide cemerlang dan bermanfaat. Persawahan yang permai, kehidupan desa dan petani yang sederhana dan bersahaja, jauh dari kesan kemrungsung atau gelisah, sungguh pelajaran yang berharga.Gemerciknya air dan anggunnya aliran sungai sungguh menentramkan. Udara yang sejuk dan pohon-pohon yang hijau bebas dari polusi.Semua menawarkan gaya hidup baru ( new lifestyle back to nature ) yang sedang trend saat ini. Orang sudah semakin jenuh dengan tawaran kemewahan kota, yang semu dengan bangunan tinggi menjulang sebagai simbol keangkuhan.Setiap bangunan diusahakan bermakna filosofis Jawa dan melalui prosesi panjang dan melelahkan sebagai kesinambungan pembangunan dan tercapainya tujuan terbentuknya Kampung Jawa..Wisata Indonesia Surga Dunia


Kampung Batik Laweyan

 Laweyen adalah salah satu sentral Batik di Solo. Kampung ini Tentunya ada banyak sekali sejarah yang tertinggal di kapung ini dan menjadi icon Batik Solo
        Batik merupakan hasil karya seni tradisional yang banyak ditekuni masyarakat Laweyan. Sejak abad ke-19 kampung ini sudah dikenal sebagai kampung batik. Itulah sebabnya kampung Laweyan pernah dikenal sebagai kampung juragan batik yang mencapai kejayaannya di era tahun 70-an. Menurut Alpha yang juga pengelola Batik Mahkota,

        Di kawasan Laweyan ada Kampung Laweyan, Tegalsari, Tegalayu, Batikan, dan Jongke, yang penduduknya banyak yang menjadi produsen dan pedagang batik, sejak dulu sampai sekarang. Di sinilah tempat berdirinya Syarekat Dagang Islam, asosiasi dagang pertama yang didirikan oleh para produsen dan pedagang batik pribumi, pada tahun 1912.

Bekas kejayaan para saudagar batik pribumi tempo doeloe yang biasa disebut 'Gal Gendhu' ini bisa dilihat dari peninggalan rumah mewahnya. Di kawasan ini, mereka memang menunjukkan kejayaannya dengan berlomba membangun rumah besar yang mewah dengan arsitektur cantik.

Kawasan Laweyan dilewati Jalan Dr Rajiman, yang berada di poros Keraton Kasunanan Surakarta - bekas Keraton Mataram di Kartasura. Dari Jalan Dr Rajiman ini, banyak terlihat tembok tinggi yang menutupi rumah-rumah besar, dengan pintu gerbang besar dari kayu yang disebut regol. Sepintas tak terlalu menarik, bahkan banyak yang kusam. Tapi begitu regol dibuka, barulah tampak bangunan rumah besar dengan arsitektur yang indah. Biasanya terdiri dari bangunan utama di tengah, bangunan sayap di kanan-kirinya, dan bangunan pendukung di belakangnya, serta halaman depan yang luas.

Dengan bentuk arsitektur, kemewahan material, dan keindahan ornamennya, seolah para raja batik zaman dulu mau menunjukkan kemampuannya untuk membangun istananya, meski dalam skala yang mini. Salah satu contoh yang bisa dilihat adalah rumah besar bekas saudagar batik yang terletak di pinggir Jalan Dr Rajiman, yang dirawat dan dijadikan homestay Roemahkoe yang dilengkapi restoran Lestari.

Tentu saja tak semuanya bisa membangun "istana" yang luas, karena di kanan-kirinya adalah lahan tetangga yang juga membangun "istana"-nya sendiri-sendiri. Alhasil, kawasan ini dipenuhi dengan berbagai istana mini, yang hanya dipisahkan oleh tembok tinggi dan gang-gang sempit. Semangat berlomba membangun rumah mewah ini tampaknya mengabaikan pentingnya ruang publik. Jalan-jalan kampung menjadi sangat sempit. Terbentuklah banyak gang dengan lorong sempit yang hanya cukup dilewati satu orang atau sepeda motor.

Tapi di sinilah uniknya. Menelusuri lorong-lorong sempit di antara tembok tinggi rumah-rumah kuno ini sangat mengasyikkan. Kita seolah berjalan di antara monumen sejarah kejayaan pedagang batik tempo doeloe. Pola lorong-lorong sempit yang diapit tembok rumah gedongan yang tinggi semacam ini juga terdapat di kawasan Kauman, Kemlayan, dan Pasar Kliwon. Karena mengasyikkan, menelusuri lorong-lorong sejarah kejayaan Laweyan yang eksotis ini bisa menghabiskan waktu. Apalagi jika Anda melongok ke dalam, melihat isi dan keindahan ornamen semua "istana" di kawasan ini.

Tapi sayangnya satu per satu bangunan kuno yang berarsitektur cantik, hancur digempur zaman, digantikan ruko atau bangunan komersial baru yang arsitekturnya sama sekali tidak jelas. Pemerintah daerah setempat tak bertindak apa pun menghadapi kerusakan artefak sejarah ini. Bahkan bekas rumah Ketua Sarekat Dagang Islam H. Samanhoedi, yang seharusnya dilindungi sebagai saksi sejarah, sudah tidak utuh lagi, bagian depannya digempur habis. Bekas istana Mataram di Kartasura juga dibiarkan hancur berantakan.



translate in english:

Kampung Batik Laweyan

        Laweyen is one of the central batik in Solo. Surely this village there are a lot of history left in this kapung and became icons Batik Solo

Batik is a traditional art works that many people engaged Laweyan. Since the 19th century this village was known as the village of batik. That's why Laweyan village once known as the hometown of batik skipper who achieved prominence in the era of the '70s. According to Alpha who is also manager of Batik Crown,

In the area there Laweyan Kampung Laweyan, Tegalsari, Tegalayu, batikan, and Jongke, whose inhabitants are a lot of batik producers and traders, since the beginning until now. This is where the founding of the Islamic Trade Syarekat, the first trade association founded by the indigenous batik producers and traders, in 1912.
Former glory of the old days native batik merchants commonly called 'Gal Gendhu' can be seen from the relics of his palatial home. In this area, they did show glory by competing to build a luxurious mansion with beautiful architecture.
Roads impassable region Laweyan Dr. Rajiman, who was in the shaft Kasunanan Surakarta Palace - the former palace of Mataram in Kartasura. From the Road Dr. Rajiman this, many see the high walls that cover the large houses, with a large wooden gate called Regol. At first glance not very interesting, and many were dull.But once Regol opened, then the building seemed mansion with beautiful architecture. Usually consists of the main building in the center, building a wing on each side, and building support behind him, as well as an extensive front page.
With architectural forms, material luxury, and beauty of ornament, as the kings of old batik will demonstrate its ability to build his palace, though in a miniature scale. One example can be seen is a former merchant's mansion, located on the edge of batik Jalan Dr Rajiman, treated and used as a homestay Roemahkoe Sustainable equipped restaurant.
Of course not everything can build a "palace" is broad, because on either side is a land neighbor who also built the "palace" of his own. As a result, the area is filled with a variety of mini palaces, which are only separated by high walls and narrow alleys. The spirit of this race to build luxury homes seem to ignore the importance of public space. Village paths become very narrow. Formed many a narrow alley with only enough for one person or a motorcycle.
But this is unique. Navigate the narrow alleys between the high walls of ancient houses are very exciting. We walked among the monuments as historical triumph of batik trader old days. Pattern of narrow alleys lined with high walls of the house Gedongan this kind are also found in the region Kauman, Kemlayan, and Market Kliwon. Because the fun, browse through the halls of the history of this exotic glory Laweyan can spend time. Especially if you looked in, browse and see the beauty of the ornaments all the "palace" in this area.
But unfortunately one by one the ancient architecture beautiful buildings, were destroyed under the siege of date, replaced by a new shop or commercial building whose architecture is not entirely clear. Local governments do not act any damage to face these historical artifacts. Even the former home of Chairman of the Islamic Trade SI H. Samanhoedi, which should be protected as a witness to history, are no longer intact, the front battered exhausted. Former palace of Mataram in Kartasura also allowed to fall apart.